Entering the public procurement world can be challenging for new beginners. Since the initial costs, which sometimes can be difficult to support, have the full knowledge of the procurement regulations that need to be complied with, these are some examples of the challenges SMEs and startups can face while tender for a public contract. 

Building a consortium is one of the ways to overcome the challenges organisations face during the tendering process, however, one of the biggest benefits that result from SMEs working together is the innovation that they can drive out of it. 
In a world that is facing constant changes, keeping up with the new processes, technologies and services that emerge is one of the top priorities of all the stakeholders in every market, from vendors to clients. 

This environment brings up intense competition within SMEs, and allied with the challenges that tenders offer, consortium building is a really good way to overcome them and procure innovation. 

Nowadays, innovation is a standard to follow in public procurement. Governments are focused on having solutions that are innovative and follow a sustainable and green approach. On one hand, we have countries strategically providing an incentive for innovation by requiring these criteria in their tenders, promoting and facilitating market development, on the other hand, we have innovation that is already in the startups’ and SMEs’ DNA.  

To address fearless competition, combining resources, knowledge, technology and services/products, can increase the value of what SMEs have to offer, culminating in an upgraded offer which will make the chance of fulfilling all the criteria that needs to be met higher. 

The advantages of forming consortia for public procurement

Summing up, there are several benefits when it comes to partnering up with other organisations in public procurement. Thriving in a competitive market is the main goal, but the advantages of it are endless. The Innovation Procurement Task Force (IPTF) will tackle this and other subjects related to public procurement during the IPTF Conference, with a focus on Scaling-up Innovation Procurement in Europe, taking place on the 18th of June in Brussels

For more details and registration, visit https://iptf.eu/ip-conference/