IPTF Conference: Scaling-up Innovation Procurement in Europe
Join this groundbreaking event dedicated to advancing innovation in public procurement. The Conference, organised by the Innovation Procurement Task Force, is set to be a cornerstone for professionals in the procurement sector, offering unparalleled opportunities for learning, networking, and collaboration.


Hear from Leading Voices
Hear from EU Project leaders and European Commission members. Gain valuable insights of the latest trends, innovation and strategies.

Networking Opportunities
Connect with a diverse group of professionals and stakeholders in the procurement sector.

Innovative Discussions
Participate in interactive sessions like the World Café, focusing on themes such as best practices in innovation procurement and the role of technology.
Registration & Refreshments. Participants are kindly asked to arrive a bit earlier at the venue, complete registration, and enjoy refreshments. This time allows attendees to settle in and network informally before the conference begins.
- 09:00 – Introduction and Housekeeping Introduction to the day’s goals and an overview of the overall objectives of the event. Provision of housekeeping details, such as schedules, and other logistical information, to ensure a smooth experience for all attendees. Lead: Louise Knight (University of Twente) & Danijel Pavlica (F6S)
- 09:05 – Welcome from the European Commission Project Officer The talk emphasises the importance of the IPTF initiative, the need for scaling up innovative procurement practices, and reflections on the objectives for the projects featured in the Conference. Speaker: Silvi Serreqi (European Commission)
- 09:15 – Structure of the Day and Introduction of Personas An explanation of the day’s structure and the rationale behind the session designs. Introduction of personas to be used in interactive activities, aiding contextual discussions and exercises. Lead: Louise Knight (University of Twente)
- 09:25 – First Keynote Speech A keynote address focusing on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within the public sector, followed by a brief Q&A session. Speaker: An Schrijvers (Flemish Advisory Council for Innovation and Entrepreneurship – VARIO)
- 09:40 – Welcome from IPTF Chair Introduction to the Innovation Procurement Task Force (IPTF), its purpose, and its members. An overview of Part 1 of the Conference, which focuses on policy perspectives related to scaling up innovation procurement. Lead: Robert Miskuf (PEDAL Consulting)
- 09:50 – Scaling up IP: Policy Perspectives (Part A)
A session exploring various policy perspectives on scaling up innovation procurement. Each speaker presents for five minutes, followed by a brief discussion.
Facilitator: Anna Torz (CIVITTA)
- Laura Sanchez (SILO): Insights from healthcare projects using PPI and PCP to stimulate innovation.
- Valentina Schippers and Frederic Amiand (UAP): Presentation of a new policy position paper with recommendations for innovative and responsible public procurement.
- Robert Miskuf (PEDAL Consulting): Findings from a mapping exercise on the challenges faced by frontline procurers.
- Menno van der Eerden (Dutch Ministry of Defence): Exploration of innovation scaling for dual-use technology, focusing on both civilian and military applications.
- Louise Knight (University of Twente): Attracting future talent.
- 10:20 – Break
A short break, providing an opportunity for participants to refresh and network informally.
10:40 – Scaling up IP: Policy Perspectives (Part B)
Continuation of the policy perspectives discussion with additional insights from various policymakers and experts. This session includes short presentations from discussants followed by an open discussion.
Facilitator: Anna Torz (CIVITTA)
- An Schrijvers (VARIO)
- Minouche Cramer (Municipality of Amsterdam)
- Lieve Bos (European Commission)
- Vassilis Tsanidis (European Commission)
- Maria Sanchis (EIT Health)
- 11:30 – Second Keynote Speech A keynote address focusing on the latest initiatives and policies supporting innovation procurement, followed by a brief Q&A session. Speaker: Carmen Laplaza Santos (European Commission) 11:45 – Update on the Big Buyers Group 3 An update on the activities and progress of the Big Buyers Group 3, highlighting key achievements and future plans. Speaker: Marlene Grauer (BME)
- 11:55 – Morning Wrap-Up A summary of the morning sessions, with reminders about the personas and the exhibition that will be available during the networking break. Lead: Louise Knight (University of Twente) & Danijel Pavlica (F6S)
- 12:00 – Lunch & Networking Lunch break, offering participants a chance to network and discuss the morning sessions informally.
- 13:10 – Introduction to Part 2: Capacity Building in Action Speaker: Jorge Gonzalez (Ticbiomed)
- 13:15 – Profiling Needs and Barriers Facilitator: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (URBACT)
- 13:30 – Showcasing Innovation Procurement Projects:
- BUILD: Anna Torz (CIVITTA)
- PROCEDIN: Valentina Schippers-Opejko (Municipality of Haarlem) and Esmee Peters (University of Twente)
- Health InnoFacilitator: Silvia Paollela (Medicen Paris Region)
- 14:00 – Reflecting on Scaling up and Learning Across Sectors Facilitator: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (URBACT)
- 14:00 – Reflecting on Scaling up and Learning Across Sectors Lead: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (URBACT) and Jorge Gonzalez (Ticbiomed)
- 14:20 – Break A short break for participants to refresh and network.
- 14:45 – Briefing for World Café Lead: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (URBACT)
- 15:05 – World Café The World Café session will delve into five critical perspectives on scaling up innovation procurement. These perspectives include policy support at various levels (EU, national, and regional) to enhance innovation procurement, strategies for coordination and cooperation among procurement organizations to accelerate adoption, methods to engage and motivate public buyers towards embracing innovative procurement practices, approaches to build innovation capacity among suppliers, and solutions to address and reduce risk aversion among public buyers. Facilitator: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (URBACT)
- 16:05 – Facilitators’ Summaries Following the in-depth discussions at each table, the World Café session will culminate in short presentations from each table’s facilitator. These presentations will provide a concise summary of the key insights, ideas, and strategies that emerged during the discussions. Lead: Discussion Groups Leads
- 16:15 – Session Wrap-up and Key Takeaways Lead: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (URBACT) and Michele Calabrò (EUREGHA)
- 16:25 – Day Wrap-Up Final reflections and closing comments from the conference chair and a selection of session chairs, speakers, and discussants. Chair: Louise Knight (University of Twente) Speakers: Jorge Gonzalez, Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson, Robert Miskuf, Michele Calabro, Valentina Schippers-Opejko. 16:45 – Drinks and Networking An informal session for participants to network, discuss the day’s insights, and visit the IPTF Projects’ stands for more information.
- 17:45 – Event Closing & Farewell
Please note: The agenda provided is subject to change. Future adjustments may occur as we refine our plans. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration Period Closed
Don’t miss out this unique opportunity to be part of the innovation revolution in public procurement. Reach out to contact@iptf.eu to verify if there are spots left at the Conference devoted to Scaling-up Innovation Procurement in Europe!
Join this conference as we delve into the innovative world public procurement and unlock the potential for social, economic, and environment impact.
We look forward to seeing you there!
La Chaufferie Rue des Pères Blancs 6, 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium